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【スマホ撮り/生本番】修士課程のリケジョなエリちゃん、就活費用が欲しくてハメ撮り※二度とこの値段で売りません 0 0 30:05


[Smartphone shooting / live production] Eri-chan, a master's student, wants job hunting expenses and takes a gonzo * I will never sell it at this price again

【初撮り/ゴム無】大学在学中に税理士試験4科目合格のリカさん、勉強時間確保のためハメ撮り※近日30000ptに値上げ  0 1 0 30:06


[First shot / no rubber] Rika, who passed 4 subjects of the tax accountant exam while at university, took a gonzo to secure study time * Soon raised the price to 30000pt 

【ゴムなし/初公開】病院実習や医師試験に向けた勉強で忙しい医学部5年チヒロちゃん、バイトのシフト減らした代わりにハメ撮り※先着3名のみ限定販売 0 0 30:03


[No rubber / first release] Chihiro-chan, a 5th year medical school student who is busy studying for hospital practice and doctor exams, Gonzo instead of reducing part-time shifts * Limited sale only for the first 3 people

【避妊なし/秘蔵映像】気象予報士の免許持ってるメグミちゃん(20)、新卒で入る会社の近所に越す費用のためハメ撮り※残り3個今月限り 0 0 30:04


[No contraception / treasured video] Megumi-chan (20), who has a weather forecaster's license, Gonzo for the cost of moving to the neighborhood of the company she enters as a new graduate * Only 3 left this month

【初撮り】【顔出し】  絶対的な美人先生とハメ撮りsex 一生モノの永久保存版データです。 再販の問い合わせは一切受け付けておりません。 5 9 1 01:12:10


[First shot] [Appearance] Absolute beautiful teacher and Gonzo SEX It is a permanent preservation version of a lifetime thing. We do not accept any inquiries about resale.

大規模運休の深夜。帰宅難民を連れ込み。 5 11 1 31:13


Late at night on a large-scale flight cancellation. Bring in refugees returning home.

むちむちFcupレイヤーAVデビュー【ブ〇アカ・浦和ハ〇コ】はじめての撮影×はじめての童貞くん参加で中出しカオス撮影 5 64 295 59:32


Whip Whip Fcup Layer AV Debut [Bu 〇 Aka / Urawa Ha 〇 Ko] First Shooting × Chaos Shooting With the Participation Of The First Virgin

【ナマ挿れ/撮って出し】婚約中のOLアヤさん(25)、フィアンセに内緒でリボのローン完済したら貯金尽きハメ撮り※再販なし今月限り・早いもの勝ち 0 2 0 30:03


[Raw insertion / shooting out] OL Aya (25) who is engaged, if you pay off Ribo's loan without telling your fiancé, you will run out of savings Gonzo * No resale This month only, the first one wins

【同人モノ/ナマ交尾】リケジョ博士課程ミホさん(2〇)、研究所のアシスタントの給料では足りずハメ撮り※限定3本につきお早めに 0 2 0 30:04


[Doujin mono / raw copulation] Rikejo doctoral student Miho (20), the salary of an assistant at the institute is not enough, so Gonzo * Limited to 3 as soon as possible

【撮り下ろし/生挿入】昇進のため英語スキル身につけたいマドカさん(24)、レッスン料の一部に充てるためハメ撮り※完売後に即30000ptに 0 1 0 30:05


Madoka (24) who wants to acquire English skills for promotion, Gonzo to use part of the lesson fee * Immediately to 30000pt after sold out

【生H/初撮影】夫婦二馬力で育児に励む人妻ミサキさん(3〇)、一時保育の費用が嵩みハメ撮り※今月限りで販売終了 0 1 0 30:08


[Raw H / first shooting] Misaki (30), a married woman who works childcare with two horsepower as a couple, the cost of temporary childcare is high and Gonzo * Sales will end only this month

【超希少/ナマ本番】事務所所属を機に寮から出る声優科のマイちゃん(20)、引っ越しで貯金使い果たしハメ撮り※公開今週まで・現品限り 0 1 0 30:01


[Super rare / raw production] Mai-chan (20), a voice actor who leaves the dormitory when she belongs to the office, runs out of savings by moving and Gonzo * Released until this week, as long as the actual product is available

【ナマ挿入/激レア】文系大学院生レナちゃん、多忙&金欠でハメ撮り※売り切れたら値上げ30000pt 0 3 0 30:04


[Raw insertion / extremely rare] Lena-chan, a liberal arts graduate student, is busy & short of money and takes a gonzo * If it is sold out, the price will be raised 30000pt

【スマホ撮り/生本番】飼ってる愛犬が突然病気になり治療費が必要になったJDミユちゃんとハメ撮り※二度とこの値段で売りません 0 1 0 30:01


[Smartphone shooting / live production] JD Miyu and Gonzo who suddenly got sick and needed medical expenses * I will never sell it at this price again

【初撮り/ゴム無】法科大学院2年を修了し司法試験突破したエリさん(2●)、司法修習への準備期間にハメ撮り※近日30000ptに値上げ  0 3 0 30:04


Eli (2 ●), who completed two years of law school and passed the bar exam, took a gonzo during the preparation period for judicial training * Raised the price to 30,000 pt in the near future 

【避妊なし/秘蔵映像】元人気インフルエンサーのJDミキちゃん、就活用スーツが欲しくてハメ撮り※残り3個今月限り 0 2 0 30:01


[No contraception / treasured video] JD Miki-chan, a former popular influencer, wants a suit for employment and takes a gonzo * Only 3 left this month

【ゴムなし/初公開】地元の文学賞に選ばれたこともある作家志望で司書のアカリちゃん(22)、給料低すぎてハメ撮り※先着3名のみ限定販売 0 4 0 30:04


[No rubber / first release] Akari-chan (22), an aspiring writer and librarian who has been selected for a local literary award, Gonzo because the salary is too low * Limited sale only for the first 3 people

【ナマ挿れ/撮って出し】関〇にある由緒正しい神社を継ぐカスミさん(2〇)、神職資格取得の諸費用のためハメ撮り※再販なし今月限り・早いもの勝ち 0 1 0 30:01


Kasumi (20), who inherits a venerable shrine in Seki, Gonzo for various expenses of acquiring priesthood qualifications * No resale This month only, the first one wins

【ナマ挿入/激レア】中流家庭の30代人妻アリサさん、親戚の結婚式に出席するのにご祝儀など急に必要になりハメ撮り※売り切れたら値上げ30000pt 0 0 30:06


[Raw insertion / extremely rare] Alisa, a married woman in her 30s from a middle-class family, suddenly needs a congratulatory ceremony to attend a relative's wedding and Gonzo * If it is sold out, the price will be raised by 30000pt

【ゴムなし/初公開】子持ちの主婦アカネさん(3〇)、ムスッコにいいランドセル買ってやりたくてハメ撮り※先着3名のみ限定販売 0 1 0 30:05


[No rubber / first release] Akane, a housewife with a child (30), wants to buy a good school bag for Musucco and takes a gonzo * Limited sale only for the first 3 people

従姉(みみちゃん)のおっぱいマッサージ♥商用利用OK[1限] 0 0 0 01:57


Cousin's (Mimi-chan) boob massage commercial ♥ use OK [1st limit]

【生H/初撮影】春から政令指定都市の職員になるJDアイちゃん、卒業旅行の軍資金のためハメ撮り※今月限りで販売終了 0 3 0 30:06


[Raw H / first shooting] JD Ai-chan, who will become an employee of an ordinance-designated city from spring, Gonzo for military funds for graduation trip * Sales will end only this month

【避妊なし/秘蔵映像】ネットワークエンジニアのマオさん(22)、民間の難関資格の受験料のためハメ撮り※残り3個今月限り 0 1 0 30:02


[No contraception / treasured video] Mao (22), a network engineer, Gonzo due to the examination fee for a difficult private qualification * Only 3 left this month

【同人モノ/ナマ交尾】進級厳しい医学部2年カナちゃん、科目落とさないよう勉強時間確保したくて臨時ハメ撮り副業※限定3本につきお早めに 0 2 0 30:12


- [Doujin mono / raw copulation] Kana-chan, a second-year medical school student who is strict in advancing, wants to secure study time so as not to drop subjects, so she wants to secure a temporary gonzo side job * Limited to 3 as soon as possible

【撮り下ろし/生挿入】大手食品メーカーに内定してるリケジョ大学院生ユウナさんとハメ撮り※完売後に即30000ptに 0 1 0 30:15


[Shooting down / raw insertion] Gonzo with Yuna, a Rikejo graduate student who has been offered a job at a major food manufacturer * Immediately to 30000pt after sold out

【超希少/ナマ本番】大手私鉄系列のディベロッパーで働くマナミさん(23)、愛猫が突然病気になり治療費のためハメ撮り※公開今週まで・現品限り 0 2 0 30:04


[Super rare / raw production] Manami (23), who works at a developer affiliated with a major private railway, suddenly became ill and took a gonzo for treatment costs * Released until this week, limited to the actual product

【スマホ撮り/生本番】公認会計士2年目のメグミさん、奨学金の返還で貯金なくなってハメ撮り※二度とこの値段で売りません 0 1 0 30:04


Megumi, a second-year certified public accountant, lost her savings due to the return of the scholarship and took a gonzo * I will never sell it at this price again

【初撮り/ゴム無】新妻マミさん(2〇)、出張中の夫に内緒で不倫ハメ撮り※近日30000ptに値上げ  0 3 0 30:04


[First shot / no rubber] New wife Mami (2〇), affair Gonzo secretly to her husband who is on a business trip * Price increase to 30000pt soon 

国立 環境情報学部 2年。初割り切りで無慈悲生3発。 ◎zip配布 0 11 0 30:08


National Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, 2nd year. - 3 ruthless raw shots at the first split. ◎ ZIP distribution

【初撮り】シャイなのに感度エグいジャ○オタ専門学生。ガチど早漏の敏感体質にデカチン激ピス!失神寸前の悶絶アクメ(※素人です) なみかちゃん 21歳 5 292 108 01:22:57


- [First shot] Shy but sensitive Ja ○ Ota vocational student. - Big intense for the sensitive constitution of premature ejaculation! Fainting in agony on the verge of fainting (* I'm an amateur) Namika 21 years old

【生H/初撮影】顔出しせず活動中のピアノ系Youtuberほのかさん(24)、フォロワーに内緒でハメ撮り※今月限りで販売終了 0 0 0 30:04


[Raw H / first shooting] Honoka (24), a piano Youtuber who is active without showing her face, Gonzo secretly to her followers * Sales will end only this month

【撮り下ろし/生挿入】リケジョ大学院生ヒカリちゃん(22)、普通のバイトする暇もなくてハメ撮り※完売後に即30000ptに 0 2 0 30:10


[Shooting down / raw insertion] Rikejo graduate student Hikari-chan (22), Gonzo without having time to do a normal part-time job * Immediately to 30000pt after sold out

【生H/初撮影】会計士の妻ユリカさん(28)、旦那の出張中にハメ撮り※今月限りで販売終了 0 2 0 30:09


[Raw H / first shooting] Accountant's wife Yurika (28), Gonzo during her husband's business trip * Sales will end only this month

【超希少/ナマ本番】海運会社総合職ユリナさん(23)、昇進のためTOEIC対策講座受けたくてハメ撮り※公開今週まで・現品限り 0 0 30:02


[Super rare / raw production] Yurina (23), a general manager at a shipping company, wants to take a TOEIC preparation course for promotion and takes a Gonzo * Released until this week, limited to actual products

成長段階とは思えない巨乳 照れながらも感じて漏れる声  5 5 3 31:33


Big that don't seem to be in the growth stage A voice that leaks while feeling embarrassed 

【都内有名ミスコンファイナリスト】連続中出しで可愛いお顔がメス犬化 0 3 0 27:28


[Tokyo famous Miss Con finalist] A cute face becomes a female dog with continuous vaginal shot

【都内大手銀行勤務Jカップ美女】普段は高嶺の花がオナホ扱いにドM心開花 0 3 0 24:41


[J cup beauty working at a major bank in Tokyo] Usually Takamine's flowers are treated as masturbators and de M heart blossoms

【元お天気お姉さん】おじさんにノンストップフェラをした後にも天使級の笑顔でごっくん 0 4 0 30:33


- [Former weather sister] swallowing with an angelic smile even after giving a non-stop to an uncle

【近日アイドル事務所を退所する19歳】初公開のハメ撮り 突かれ慣れてない膣に贅沢発射 0 3 0 28:52


[19 years old who will leave the idol office soon] Gonzo released for the first time Luxury launch to the vagina that is not used to being poked

【2回目】アイドル級の大生ひなちゃんが人生初の大量潮吹き!敏感ま●こをドМ攻めされ汚れザーメン3発顔にぶっ●けられる! 5 339 169 02:20:10


- [2nd time] Idol-class college student Hina-chan squirts for the first time in her life! Sensitive Ma ● This is attacked by De М and 3 shots of dirty semen are hit on the face!

【完全人生初撮り】【モ無】※おまけ有 究極完全体体系!超スレンダーで美白美女!最高のおまんこ丸見え動画!!! 5 147 40 40:38


[Complete life first shot] [Mo no mo] * There is a bonus Ultimate complete body system! Super slender and whitening beauty! The best full view video!!

【初撮り】【Kカップ美人受付嬢】綺麗な身体に何度も種付け 0 4 0 25:07


[First shot] [K cup beautiful receptionist] Seeded many times on a beautiful body

【初全裸公開】【神級Jカップ】元キー局アナウンサー美女が突かれまくり絶頂 0 2 0 25:17


[First naked release] - [God-class J cup] Former key station announcer beauty is stabbed and cums

【大手銀行員美女】綺麗なお顔が歪むほど突きまくる 連発注入で悶絶 0 0 27:16


- [Major bank employee beauty] Fainting in agony with continuous injection that the beautiful face is distorted

【歴代ナンバー1ルックス】元アイドルに濃厚な種付け 清楚な身体に何度も中出し 0 5 0 31:04


[Number 1 looks in history] Rich seeding on a former idol Many times vaginal shot on a neat body

【人気アニメの美女声優】圧倒的な透明感と意外とでかいケツに興奮 初生ハメで気持ち良すぎて腰をくねくね メス犬化が止まらない! 0 6 0 34:31


[Beautiful female voice actor of popular anime] Excited by overwhelming transparency and surprisingly big ass It feels too good with the first squirrel and wiggles the waist Female dog transformation does not stop!

【合法黒髪巨乳】清楚で可愛い後輩ちゃん 初めてあそこを舐められメス顔になり濡れまくり 0 1 0 30:06


[Legal black hair big breasts] Neat and cute junior-chan is licked there for the first time and becomes a female face and gets wet

【ルックス神×スタイル抜群19歳】アイドルグループに在籍中 本編では完全顔出し 初中出し撮影 0 3 0 30:27


[Looks God× 19 years old with outstanding style] While enrolled in an idol group Complete appearance in the main story First vaginal shot shooting

【元有名事務所アイドル】枕営業で掴むチャンス 全力フェラからの中に大量発射 0 3 0 29:26


[Former famous office idol] A chance to grab in pillow sales A large number of shots from a full-power

【生H/初撮影】駆け出し会計士マオちゃん、開業登録費用などの足しにハメ撮り※今月限りで販売終了 0 0 30:03


[Raw H / first shooting] Fledgling accountant Mao-chan, Gonzo to add to the opening registration fee * Sales will end only this month

【スマホ撮り/生本番】医師と婚約中のミユさん、バレないうちに借金返したくてハメ撮り※二度とこの値段で売りません 0 0 30:02


Miyu, who is engaged to a doctor, wants to repay her debt before she gets caught, so she takes a gonzo * I will never sell it at this price again

【ナマ挿れ/撮って出し】美術史専攻の大学院生マリナちゃん、コスパよく稼ぐためハメ撮り※再販なし今月限り・早いもの勝ち 0 4 0 30:09


Marina-chan, a graduate student majoring in art history, takes a gonzo to earn money cost-effectively * No resale This month only, early wins

【同人モノ/ナマ交尾】旦那の出張中にユカさん(3〇)と不倫ハメ撮り旅行※限定3本につきお早めに 0 1 0 30:05


[Doujin mono / raw copulation] Affair Gonzo trip with Yuka (30) during her husband's business trip * As soon as possible for a limited number of 3

【撮り下ろし/生挿入】元声優マイさん(2〇)、Vtuberになるため機材購入費の一部を賄うためハメ撮り※完売後に即30000ptに 0 3 0 30:04


Former voice actor Mai (20) takes a gonzo to cover part of the equipment purchase cost to become a Vtuber * Immediately to 30000pt after sold out

【超希少/ナマ本番】研修終えたばかりの新米新聞記者カホちゃん、地方に配属される直前のハメ撮り※公開今週まで・現品限り 0 3 0 30:01


[Super rare / raw production] Kaho-chan, a new newspaper reporter who has just finished training, Gonzo just before being assigned to a rural area * Released until this week, limited to actual products

【ナマ挿入/激レア】有名大学陸上部ユリちゃん(18)、部費や遠征費のためハメ撮り※売り切れたら値上げ30000pt 0 3 0 30:25


[Raw insertion / extremely rare] Yuri-chan (18) of the famous university athletics club, Gonzo for club fees and expedition expenses * Price increase 30000pt if sold out

【初撮り/ゴム無】就活費用ねだってきた経済学部ユウちゃんと自宅でまったり自然体でハメ撮り※近日30000ptに値上げ  0 1 0 30:06


[First shot / no rubber] Gonzo relaxing at home with Yu-chan of the Faculty of Economics who begged for job hunting expenses * Price increase to 30000pt soon 

【避妊なし/秘蔵映像】ママさん公務員カナさん(31)、生活厳しくてハメ撮り※残り3個今月限り 0 1 0 30:12


[No contraception / treasured video] Mom's civil servant Kana (31), life is hard and Gonzo * Only 3 left this month

【ゴムなし/初公開】ドイツ語学科メイちゃん、独語検定試験の受験料のためハメ撮り※先着3名のみ限定販売 0 1 0 30:13


[No rubber / first release] German department Mei-chan, Gonzo for the examination fee of the German language proficiency exam * Limited sale only for the first 3 people

【初撮り】経験人数1人の音大生あすかちゃん19歳 ほぼ未使用ま●こ責められ願望アリのM気質!ムダ毛皆無の腋を舐めつくし顔射フェラ抜き何でもさせる 5 409 175 54:49


- [First shot] Asuka-chan, a music college student with one experience, is 19 years old, almost unused ● M temperament of a desire ant who is blamed! - Lick the armpits with no unnecessary hair and make anything without facial!%2520%5D%2520%25EB%258C%2580!%2520%25EC%25BD%2594%25EC%258A%25A4%25ED%2594%2584%25EB%25A0%2588%2520%25EC%259D%25B4%25EB%25B2%25A4%25ED%258A%25B8%2520%25EB%25A7%2588%25EC%25A7%2580%25EB%25A7%2589%25EC%259D%2598%2520%25EC%258B%25A0%2520%25EB%25A0%2588%25EC%259D%25B4%25EC%2596%25B4%2520%25ED%2597%258C%25ED%258C%2585%25EC%259D%2580%2520%25EB%258C%2580%25EC%2584%25B1%25EA%25B3%25B5!%2520%5B%25EA%25B0%259C%25EC%259D%25B8%2520%25EC%25B4%25AC%25EC%2598%2581%5D%2520%25EA%25B0%2580%25EB%2593%259D%25ED%2595%259C%2520%25EC%2598%25A4%25ED%2594%2584%2520%25ED%258C%258C%25EC%25BD%2594%2520%25EC%2583%259D%2520%25ED%2595%2598%25EB%25A9%2594/video/1743054/id3769029/%E3%80%90%E7%84%A1%E3%80%91%E6%8C%89%E6%91%A9%E5%BA%B5%E7%8F%8D%E5%BF%B5%E7%B7%8F%E9%9B%86%E7%B7%A8vol.9%E3%80%80%EF%BD%9E%E3%81%8A%E3%81%A3%E3%81%B1%E3%81%84%E6%9C%80%E9%AB%98%EF%BC%81%E7%88%86%E4%B9%B3%E3%81%8B%E3%82%89%E3%81%A1%E3%81%A3%E3%81%B1%E3%81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A7%E3%82%88%E3%82%8A%E3%81%A9%E3%82%8A%E3%81%BF%E3%81%A9%E3%82%8A%E6%8F%89%E3%81%BF%E3%81%BE%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8A%E3%81%AE%E5%A4%A7%E9%95%B7%E5%B0%BA5%E6%99%82%E9%96%93%E8%B6%85SP%EF%BD%9E%E3%80%80%E2%80%BB%E3%83%AC%E3%83%93%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E7%89%B9%E5%85%B8%E6%9C%89/video/1717425/id3452175/%E3%80%90%E7%B4%A0%E4%BA%BA%E3%80%91%E8%8A%B1%E6%9F%84%E3%81%AE%E3%83%AF%E3%83%B3%E3%83%94%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%81%8C%E4%BC%BC%E5%90%88%E3%81%86%E6%B8%85%E7%B4%94%E3%81%AA%E4%B8%89%E5%8D%81%E8%B7%AF%E5%A6%BB%E3%81%88%E3%82%8A%E3%81%8B%E3%81%95%E3%82%93%E3%80%82%20%E4%B8%8D%E5%80%AB%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BB%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%81%A7%E6%80%A7%E6%AC%B2%E3%81%8C%E6%BA%9C%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A3%E3%81%9F%E8%86%A3%E3%81%8C%E3%83%92%E3%82%AF%E3%83%92%E3%82%AF%E2%86%92%E4%B8%AD%E5%87%BA%E3%81%97%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B%E3%81%A8%E5%AC%89%E3%81%97%E3%81%9D%E3%81%86%E3%81%AB%E3%83%8B%E3%82%B3%E3%83%8B%E3%82%B3%E3%81%97%E3%81%A6%E3%81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F%E3%80%82/seller/20487/%E5%8F%82%E8%80%83%E6%9B%B8/video/1705684/id3306207/%E3%80%903%E6%97%A5%E9%96%93%E9%99%90%E5%AE%9A500pt%E3%80%91%E2%80%BB%E5%8D%B3%E5%89%8A%E9%99%A4%E6%B3%A8%E6%84%8F%E2%80%BB%E3%80%90%E9%A1%94%E3%83%90%E3%83%AC%E3%80%91%E3%80%90%E7%94%9F%E3%83%8F%E3%83%A1%E3%80%91%E3%80%90%E6%BD%AE%E5%90%B9%E3%81%8D%E3%80%912023%E5%B9%B4%E6%9F%90%E5%A4%8F%E3%83%95%E3%82%A7%E3%82%B9%E5%8F%82%E6%88%A6%E6%B1%BA%E5%AE%9A%E3%81%AE%E7%BE%8E%E3%80%87%E5%A5%B3%E7%B3%BB%E3%82%A2%E3%82%A4%E3%83%89%E3%83%AB%E3%80%82%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%97%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AB%E3%82%A6%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%81%A0%E3%81%A8%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%AD%E3%83%AF%E3%83%BC12%E4%B8%87%E8%B6%85%E3%81%88/live/fc2/65418103FC2 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